Hello and wellcome buddys!

Hello and wellcome guys! If you are interrested in the rock world follow me! Im starting up a new sensation in the rock world. Im gonna tell you how i startede in the rock life, why i began and why i dont wanna stop! Im gonna post links and what so ever in here. All about rock!

September 25, 2011

Headbangers Ball Tour 2011!

Allright! I took to MTV Headbangers Ball Tour 2011 with my girlfriend. The evet got was held on The Rock in Chopenhagen.

The Rock is Chopenhagens most known place for Hard rock and Metal (Like Ozzy Osbourne says "There is no rock genre caled Metal... How do you play Metal? There is only Hard rock!") Well The Rock is located close to the biggest Shopping street in Chopenhagen called Strøget("stroeget" with out the wierd letter) The Rock lies in the First and oldest courthouse in Chopenhagen. Where the music is played is in the basement of the courthouse thats now is painted all black, have a stage, a bar and thats it. All what you needs for a great night! The Rock have concerts the whole years mostly in the weekends but sometimes in the everyday or what its called?

Mtv Headbangers Ball Tour 2011 was great! First Mercenary opned the concert with some great music! It was that band me and my girlfriend mostly thourght that they will be the best band on the tour. But i kind of walk over to Hatesphere that just killed that night! It was awsome how they got the crowd going! Artillery the old Hard Rock band were the most known there. When the crowd were singing along with song were the songs mostly from Artillery!

First i want to start with Mercenary who started to concert! René Pedersen is the singer in the band and the bassist! He did it great and were actually hit by a flu! As he said "I had a very bad week, a very bad day, but now i'm here and i have it totaly awsome!". He kind of spit abit when he sang but what ever he sang great!

The music got playd very good BUT i think there were to many guitar solos in the songs... It were okay in the beginning with some guitar solos, but when they nerly came in every song it ran to fare! It became kid og borring with all these solos!

Well i am not a great one to give reviews but this is how i do it right now! It can only be better right?

Well at all i will give them 4 out of 6 starts/Rock guitars                              (* * * * )
Great music! Give them a shot and try go to one of there concerts! As i did. I will never heare that kind of music at home but live it were great!

The we come to Artillery! The old guys did it great! The concert was great and the crowd were singing along in nerly every songs! It was fun to watch and just great! They even playd a song there is 7 years old than me or something! Haha. Funny enough that were a great song and i have not heard that many old songs that i like!

The music got played as it should and the old men on guitar, bass and drums did it great! It sounded good and i loved it! But they didnt give it that much... They did not come over the stage.. It looked like there were just standing there and played there music and not enjoying it.. That kid of sad?

Try find them on some Festivals or go to a concert with them and hear there music! I will give them 4 out og 6 stars/Rock guitars                                                                                   ( * * * *)

Then at last Hatesphere! The band me and my girlfriend thought would be absolutily bad! But just were some of the best music that night! The singing was just crawl throuh every song! The front singer just gave it all and he really did it great!

The music got played absolutily great with hard headbanging and dead tones! Not that much solos and just "team work" if you can say so?

The music got played that great so the crowd started headbanging so wild! There were alot of mosh pit and the front singere get them to made a "wall of death" So funny to watch!

I will recomend you do go see them live! So great energi! I will give them 5 out of 6 stars/Rock guitars!
                                                                                                         ( * * * * *)

I hope you liked reading this!

I'm out!

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